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Story for adults Part 2

Because of the compression of his genitals, urinating was very hard and when he finally managed to squeeze it out, the urine sprayed in all directions. Mistress Angela laughed a great deal at this before punishing him for pissing on the floor. "Looks like you will have to pee sitting down, just like bitch should do," she said. She washed his legs and rubbed his skin with the cream, which made his skin softer, before administering his hormone shots. Then training began. First walking and posture, then cock sucking and ass fucking before finishing with some more walking and posture training. He was locked in his cage after eating and promptly fell asleep.

For four weeks this was the routine: eating and morning enemas followed by hormone shots. Then training: walking, posture and sex training with minor variations, before being locked in his cage after eating. The amount of food he was given had been greatly increased. He was now force-fed every evening, swallowing a great deal of the fatty, semen-like substance. The reason for this was soon apparent as he began to grow not only tits, but also developed the beginnings of a nicely rounded ass. The training was intense and although he didn't feel feminine yet, he had to fight not to think of himself as Alice instead of Pete. Every three days his clothes were changed and he was washed all over, before being redressed and re-tied.

As he was washed his cock was released as well. While he hung by his wrists from the ceiling, Mistress Angela would play with it for a long time, bringing him close to cuming before pulling away, always holding him on the edge. After playing with him in this way, his genitals were balled up inside the metal-mesh pouch and locked away. The teasing combined with the effects of the hormones made sure that after the fourth day he was in a state of perpetual sexual excitement, always horny, never getting any release. His corset gradually reduced his waist to sixteen inches and his high-heels had increased in height to six-inches. Walking in an ultra-sexy manner soon became second nature.

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