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Ken and Ayala Part 3 Cleansing

What made it doubly amazing was that I saw her own cock, rigid with excitement and bouncing up and down, and the sight of it drove the fires of lust throughout my entire body.

And, what was even more amazing beyond that, was that I couldn't wait until the moment when I could do the same thing to her, make her cum into my own mouth and taste her. I couldn't ever forget how good she tasted, how incredible she felt throbbing in my mouth, as I was in hers right now.

I felt my body boiling over once again, surprised at how fast it came, and exploded into her. It went deep into her throat, and she didn't stop until every last bit of cum had been milked out of me. She wanted all of it, and she wouldn't let me back off for a second. I groaned loudly as she drained me of every last drop, and then I collapsed in front of her, sitting down in the shower, feeling oh so happy . . . and oh so spent.

She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. "I think you liked that, huh?" She was giving me that wicked smile of hers, the one that appeared on her cute little face whenever she knew she had done something insanely hot or remarkably seductive.

"Yeah, you know, that was only the best I've ever had in my life . . ." I whispered, my breath still heaving from the steam of the shower and the heat of Ayala's passionate blowjob.

"I think, Mister, that you still need some cleaning . . . my sweet baby, come here," Ayala cooed, pulling me towards her and turning me around so I was again facing the showerhead but with my back resting on her body, her breasts pressing into my back, her legs open and her cock pressed firmly against my back. Her cock seemed to remind me of how hot she still was, and how I still wanted – no, needed – to make her feel my hunger for her as much as she had just done for me.

"I'm going to have to take care of that for you soon, beautiful." I pushed back against Ayala just a little bit so that she would feel some more pressure on her cock, and she sighed as if she couldn't wait.

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