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Erica Goes to College

I didn't look at him until he stretched his legs out as far as they would go. He breathed a heavy sigh commanding my attention. I looked at his crotch positioned just below his desktop. It appeared he had an erection as there was an apparent bulge. Whether it was due to my antics, I couldn't be certain. Eventually his hand went to his lap when I saw him squeezing it.

"Looks like you have something going on in there," I whispered.

He seemed embarrassed with my comment. The moderator came in taking something from his desk before scanning the classroom and leaving again.

We decided to keep the conversation going but didn't want others to hear us. It seemed some furtive note-passing was called for. The following comments in italics were his notes to me and the regular font-type are my comments to him:

Are you sure you're a boy?

Yep, I checked this morning.

Then how come you look so much like a girl?

I always looked like a girl but taking hormones has helped.

Why would you take hormones?

Because on the inside I feel like a girl and the hormones help me to manifest my real inner self...they call it sexual identity.

A lot of the other boys say you are just a faggot that thinks he's a girl.

I'm not sure I would agree with them but I know ignorance when I hear it.

Well, you were born a boy and you like boys...sexually I mean. So doesn't that say enough?

No, because I like boys as a girl would like boys. It's impossible for me think I'm a boy that likes boys since I would have to be a boy to begin with and that is not who I am mentally.


I know it's confusing but trust me; I've thought long and hard on this and I know it's the truth no matter how strange it might seem to you.

(Comically he scratched his head while squeezing his hard-on. I smiled thinking he looked like an ape trying to contemplate E=MC2 on one hand while coping with human sexuality on the other.)

I heard you gave a few boys a blowjob under the grandstands for favors.

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