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Emily and Steve Part 6

Emily dismounted, opened the gate and led both her horse and my horse through the gates. Emily got back up on top of her horse, looked at me and smiled. "Are you ready for some real fun?" she asked. Her smiled suddenly turned into a very impish grin.

"What are you planning?" I asked nervously.

"Let's gallop," she said, and with that her horse took off towards across the fields of John and Tessa's farm. My horse followed. Though my horse was named the slow sounding Daisy, she wasn't afraid to gallop. I held on for my life, getting bounced up and down in the saddle and just trying to stay on. The country side seemed to fly by me in a blur. After what seemed like an hour of horror and torture we arrived back at John and Tessa's barn.

Emily dismounted and John came out of the main house to meet us. John came over and took the reins from my white knuckled grip. I slid off the horse.

Emily came over and gave me a kiss. "Why don't you go and clean up. John and I will take care of the horses."

John slapped me on the shoulder. "We have a hot-tub around the side of the house. It's great for sore asses."

Sore asses? My eyes opened wide with shock. Jesus, how could John tell that Emily had fucked me in the ass earlier in the day?

Emily saw my look and laughed. "He means from riding the horses, Steve."

I tried to slink away, my face blushing red with embarrassment while John gave Emily a very confused look. "Yeah, hot tub sounds good."

"Great, I'll meet you there in a few minutes," Emily said, as she and John led the horses into the barn.

I went up to the guest room to change, and as I was climbing the stairs realized how much my back was aching from the day of horseback riding. I gingerly undressed and put on my swimming trunks. "A nice soak is going to feel very good," I thought.

The hot tub was off the side of the house. The hot tub was empty, but someone had already opened up the top and turned on the bubbles, so I was able to slide right into the hot water. I let the water soak my aching back muscles and stared up at the clear blue sky.

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