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Caught by the Past Chapter 3

'No, it's all right. You're safe. We're friends of James. I'm Guy and this is Steve and Ian.'

Light dawned. You relax. 'The stag party.' You say.

There heads nod vigorously. 'We told Jeremy we'd call in.' Said Guy. The other two snigger again.

'You must be Sissy, James's new girlfriend. He said you'd be coming tonight.'

You nod and feel you face flush crimson.

Their eyes burn into you mentally taking off your skirt and blouse as they stride in. 'Huh! Not bad, Sissy. Not bad.'

Once in the lounge James introduces them again, you smile at them individually and hang off James arm for emotional support.

'This is Sissy.' he says, 'as you've guessed. She knows how to work a short dress and please any man.'

You blush again, fearful of what James is planning.

'Curtsey for my friends, Honey, lets not be rude.' His friends all study you hungrily as you click your heels together and bend at the knee as much as the tight skirt allows.

'Oh! and lads just look at her beautiful nails. She's spent hours doing them for us.' James laugh fills the room. Deep and grainy, it reverberates in your stomach and, just for a moment, calms you.

You waggle your fingers at your admiring audience and smile. 'All the better to scratch you with, my dears,' you joke.

Slap. James strikes you on the face. 'Cheeky bitch,' he cry's, 'Your hot little mouth is for sucking not for talking. Show my friends what you're good for.'

You look bemused.

'Show them your... G-string give us all a show.'

Your cheek stings and you want to cry. You're shocked by his assertiveness, you want to collapse and your eyes begin to water. You're now even more nervous of the lecherous lads and terrified you won't please you turn and bend forward holding the window sill for support.

'I don't normally do this,' you say looking behind, your curly hair obscuring your face.

'Shut it slut!' James shouts. 'Who said you can talk. Tart!'

You sniff back a tear and wave your arse at them sexily in a vain attempt to satisfy.

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