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And Life Goes On

"Well you know how I never wanted to get married again after

Patrick’s father died, well I have met a man and he is very well off and he has asked me to marry him."

"That is great, I am happy for you mom." Said Gwen.

"And what do you have to say Patrick er Patricia?" She asked.

"I don’t have anything to say mom." I said.

She told us about her new boyfriend as we all sat there. The door bell rang as we were talking and when mom went to answer the door it was her nes friend. He was a handsome man in his early 50’s. He kissed my mother lightly on the lips and as she took his hand and let him to the couch my eyes nearly popped out of my head. I had seen this man before but couldn’t remember.

"Gwen and Patricia, this is my boyfriend Thomas." Said Mom "Hello Thomas." we said. "Hello girls, he said with a wink.

I was unaware that mom had told him about me and this whole situation was all a set up. He left my mother and came over to sit next to me which unnerved me.

"Don’t worry little one I know all about your secret." He said.

He kissed me on the cheek and I couldn’t help but smile.

"Well are we ready to go?" Asked mom.

"Go where?" I asked.

"Well we are going out to the club tonight." Said Gwen.

Now the prospect of going out dressed like I was didn’t appeal to me at all but I was trapped. We all left my mom’s house and headed for a club that we all would go to when I wasn’t dressed like I was. It was a place that Gwen and I used to go to all the time. I didn’t say much on the ride to the club but mom and Gwen were regular chatter boxes. Gwen and I sat in the back seat and Thomas drove. We got to the club and Thomas parked the car and opened the door for mom and then opened the door for me and Gwen.

Dressed as I was I was leery of getting out of the car but I got out and Gwen took my hand. The club was a hot spot and there were several men there that always hit on new girls and that was what I was afraid of. The doorman looked at me kind of funny and I could swear I heard a whistle but who was he whistling at. We went in and sat down in the back of the club which is what I wanted. Still I was very scared and nervous as hell.

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