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Alpha Gamma's Secret Part 2

the same to them. She imagined sucking one's dick while the other fucked
her in the ass. Molly wanted to lay down on her back, naked, and spread
her legs apart so the two naked boys could lick her balls like dogs lapping
up water. Molly also began to imagine what herself dressed up in a leather
dominatrix outfit, forcing the two "straight" guys to butt-fuck each other
while she watched and applauded.

Molly was having more and more sexual fantasies lately. Sometimes they
were about boys. Sometimes they were about girls. Usually, they were
about Gina. Ever since that morning, Molly had been fiendishly thirsty for
more of Gina's hot, sour piss. The pungent smell and the filthiness of the
act itself had driven her wild and she needed more. She needed it in her
mouth again.

She almost laughed at how far she had come. At the beginning of the school
year, Molly had been a sweet, naive virgin. There was nothing interesting
in her sexual past, besides her transition from boy to girl. The most she
had ever done was give her steady boyfriend a handjob. She'd also let him
feel her tits. Once he started going for her crotch, however, she had to
push him away. There was no way he could understand her secret.

How far Molly had come! The sweet, naive virgin was now a sex-hungry
shemale vixen dreaming about her girlfriend's urine. Never did she imagine
she would turn out like this. She had set herself free and she was loving

Mercifully, class ended and Molly was the first one out the door. She was
feeling a big excited. Tonight, everyone in her sorority was going to meet
in the house common room for some special, secret meeting. Apparently, it
was like an end-of-the-year ritual. Only sisters were allowed to come and
they were sworn to secrecy after. Gina, a year older than Molly, had
already been to one of the secret meetings and she absolutely refused to
divulge any information to her girlfriend. "You'll find out soon enough,"
she would always say, with a weird smile. Molly couldn't wait.

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